
Attention All = )

Well, all it's a new year, and I hope to have a lot more of my writings published on here this, I kind of let the ball drop in 2005. In addition, I will also be posting my friend Sara's poetry. She has a style all of her own. Please feel free to comment and leave feed back so we know what you think. Again thanks for reading and pls come again. Here's to 2006!!!!

The Rubber Man - Sara Borkowski

Hey honey, why don’t ya have some of this
Fine, tall, dark, and handsome.
Baby, once you have black
you’ll never go back.
No, I’ve got me a man.
You ain’t got a man
you gotta a boy cause; I’m the real deal.
No, I got me a man.
He’s tall, 6’2”, dark, and perfect.
You know why he’s perfect?
’cause he’s made of rubber.
He don’t talk or hit back or humiliate you.
He ain’t gonna leave you bare foot and pregnant;
just get up one night and never look back.
He don’t give you no flack, no attitude, and he don’t play no slack.
That’s why he’s completely perfect.
If I’ve got control then he knows just how to pleaseme.
He knows how to get them wheel’s greased.
I know I’ll be satisfied before he’s ever done.
Will there be repercussions after everything; nope none.
So you can see why the rubber man is perfect for us women.
No muss no fuss no worrying about our appearance
cause he’ll appreciate everything we are and everything we do.
We won’t have to play by those rules of adherence.
All in all I believe he will be the wave of thef uture.
And that’s good because then there won’t be too many more pretty faces that’ll have to be

Oblivion - by Sara Borkowski

You quietly torture me into oblivion.
Your silence speaks louder then words.
Your lack of facial expressions cuts to the quick,
more then any harsh word or harsher actions.
Your monosyllabic answers leave me befuddled and confused.
I’m left feeling emotionally abused.
Things would be alright for me if it wasn’t for this insane attraction.
This power you lord over me.
Just thinking about it makes me sick.
You’ve listened to all I had to say, but you’ve never heard.
I wanted you as my knight in shining armor, mychampion,
instead you quietly torture me into oblivion.


An apple seed

I rooted myself in you,
spreading deep into that soul.
Seeping the blood, the marrow,
the tears from you
to create the sap of my life
my fruit to blossom.
From the pain I caused you,
From the rain and the minerals

I deprived you,
I reached to the sun,
burying you beneath my leaves.
Hardening you.
Soiling you.
While I became the apple tree.

My branches were full
and High, for you I stood on.
My shadow cast down upon you,
beating you with fallen cores.
Worms to crawl upon you.
You supporting my weight,
year after year,
until that day I bore no fruit.
My bark becoming white and gray,
so cold the sun couldn’t even warm

the chloroplasts beneath my skin.
And I fell in your arms
and you embraced me like a mother,
a lover and a friend,
Holding me until I would be renewed again.

The One Left Behind

I was the one
To go forward into the world
To make a name for myself
To be a success
But I am the one left behind

I was the one
To marry the girl
To have perfect health
To clean up the mess
But I am the one left behind

I was the one
Aced every test
Answered every question
Where everything was easy
But I am the one left behind

I was the one
Who they called a pest
The curdled milk in their digestion
Stubborn and lazy
So I am the one left behind

I was the one
Who judged them all
Self righteous and arrogant
Critical and demanding
So I am the one left behind

They are all gone
They left in the fall
Forgetting their past, growing distant
And myself, lonely and saddened
For I will always be left behind